Monday, February 1, 2010

My latest Novel!

Well, I am working hard on my novel and I have 4 chapters so far. I am really excited becuase from one chapter to the next I am not quite sure where to go, but it seems to just come to me and flow out pretty good. I am really happy with it so far. It is a VERY rough draft right now, there is a lot of filler that needs to be added. But I am happy with how it is shaping up.
It is my 5th novel that I have started. And the second one that I have actually gotten past the first chapter on. I have several choldren's books that I have written that I would love to get published. But since 3 of them are all gospel oriented, the market for it is small. But I will figure out a way to do it in the end!
I love to write and have written tons of poetry in my lifetime. I am really enjoying the novels though. Seeing them unfold, come to life out of my own imagination and be soemthing that I wrote. It is almost like giving life to something that wasnt there before. And even if no one else ever reads them, I will read them and be satisfied.

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